I've included a photo of the border quilting design,
I hope you like it, it was fun to do.
I have been busy doing Mum things like soccer training rounds and also finally cutting up fabric for a raffle quilt for Matthew's Pre-school. I have a photo of the fabric that I am using and soon I will put up the photos of the blocks and finally the 2 quilts that have been made from this fabric.
I saw a photo of a quilt and thought that it was lovely and simple and required only 4 coordinating fabrics.
Lincraft near me had a sale earlier this year and I could not resist as their patchwork fabric was marked down to $5.00 per metre which is a bargain in Australia. This is also a great price for a raffle quilt as it makes the overall cost much less.
Now for a photo I am very proud of, my eldest son Jonathan with his first quilt, made entirley by him. Rotary cutting, machine sewing, trimming, and then machine quilting on my long arm. Well Done Jonathan!!
Now Mum just need to work out how to make the photo vertical but for now just tilt your head a little.
It has since been trimmed and now for the binding.
Jonathan is also displaying his quilt at the Airing in Warwick mid next month, please see the links at the top right of the page for Glenrose Patchwork or Jumpers and Jazz Festival.
More updates of the yellow and black quilt soon.
Happy Sewing